Engineers with Drones are very much at home with wind turbine inspections. We have a deep background in the wind industry and hold all the GWO certifications need to climb turbines.
Our sister company Mech-V specialises in independent wind turbine inspections. For more information on our wind turbine inspection services, please see the Mech-V website, and its page on wind turbine blade inspections.
Go to Mech-V website for wind turbine inspections...
Actionable data from a safe distance, with less downtime
A more cost- and time-effective way to receive critical data
Ensure solar panel efficiency from precise data collection
Fast, actionable data without the risks of traditional inspections
Accurate and efficient analysis of crops and land
Instantly usable data via a safer and more cost-effective process
Critical, pinpoint details with none of the risk
Get fast, usable data from a safe distance
Get critical data on cell and telecommunication infrastructure
Monitor coastal assets safely and with more precision
Analyse historical buildings without risk to people or property
Clearer, faster results without the risks
Assess damage quickly and with pinpoint accuracy
Get actionable data on quality and operational health
Inspect and maintain energy assets without risk or downtime
Add "Wow Factor" to residential and commercial property listings
Safe, precise and instant reports on vessels and infrastructure
Safer, more cost-efficient, with less downtime
Endless perspectives, without manned aircrafts or structures
Instant, actionable data with no downtime
Eliminate safety concerns, save costs and reduce downtime
Faster, cheaper and more accurate analysis of land
Keep production running while collecting instant critical data
Monitor status and progress without downtime
Accurate, safe and instantly actionable data collection
Safer and more cost-efficient flare (oil and gas) inspections
Record and document reliable visuals without safety concerns
Safer, more precise data collection at a fraction of the cost
Instantly view complex structures, keeping risks to a minimum
Eliminates downtime and safety concerns, at a fraction of the cost
Reduced risk, damage to towers and delays